Cara Weeks Neuburger, ATR-BC, LCPC
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor
Registered Art Therapist- Board Certified

Welcome to Sunflower Art Therapy. Whether you are young or old, nervous about creating art or a seasoned artist, I welcome you to join me in the art therapy process as a resource for healing, recovery, or finding your way. I have been creating all my life and trust in the power that connecting to your creative self. In my years as an art therapist I have helped people navigate many kinds of challenges. Through this I am continually humbled by the strength and wisdom of each person that is revealed and made tangible through the creative process.
Contact me to learn more about the art therapy and counseling services I offer.
Art therapy for adults, children, or youth
Art therapy groups and workshops
Family education and collaboration in coping with mental illness
Clinical supervision for counselors and art therapists
Cara Weeks Neuburger, ATR-BC, LCPC
(Looking for other Creative Arts Therapists in town? Click here to view my colleagues at the Lawrence Creative Therapy Center LLC.)

"If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing. "
Marc Chagall